Origins in Computer Virus | This time I will share information about the Origins of Computer Virus. Maybe some of you already know what it komputr virus, but do not know the history or origin, right ?. Well here I will reveal in full to you about the origin of computer ....... Happy reading
Origins on Computer Viruses
The concept of making the virus was discovered in 1949. At that time, John von Neuman, had thought that there are programs that can replicate itself. This is evidenced by three programmers from AT & T Bell Laboratories who witnessed their creation program fighting for control over the computer in an experiment called "Core Wars'. The most striking evidence is the first virus to be officially recognized (C) Brain not come from America or Europe as the inventor of the computer state, but coming from Pakistan.
In 1986 two brothers Basit and Amjad, the owner of a computer store in Lahore, Pakistan, was the first to incorporate a small program in the boot sector on a floppy disk 360 KB which will run automatically when the computer starts. Keep in mind that at that time almost all computers can only be turned on via a floppy disk, only a few are using the hard drive because it was still very expensive and not general. Upon entry into the boot sector, this program will remain in the computer's memory to replicate itself to other floppies inserted into drive A or drive B.
A year later, the University of Delaware realized that they had been infected with the virus because of the label '(c) Brain "on floppy disks they use. Once discovered by two brothers Basit and Amjad, the development of increasingly sophisticated viruses. This is evidenced by a programmer called Ralf Burger. In the same year with the discovery of two brothers Basit and Amjad, burgers, be aware that the file can be programmed to conduct automatic coffee by inserting itself into other files. He wrote a sample program called VIRDEM that can infect .COM files
Then the sophistication of the virus was also revealed by Fred Cohen of the University of Southern California, who conducted the first doctoral dissertation on the topic of computer viruses. Cohen discovered the fact that once you create a good virus, the impact caused by this virus and its spread would be very unusual, if not unexpected though its creator. Meanwhile, in Tel Aviv, a programmer another experiment with creating the first virus with Suriv name-1, these malicious programs can infect all .COM files
After the success, munculah Suriv-2 can infect EXE file, then the third generation of this virus is more advanced because it can infect .COM and .EXE file types. Creation of four that shook the world and is known as the Jerusalem virus, every Friday the 13th of this virus deleting files that run so often known as Friday the 13th. The virus is named after the Jerusalem because it was found at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem by Yisrael Radai.
In other parts of the world, a young student at the University of Wellington, New Zealand discovered a very simple technique to make the virus very effectively. Each eight-time boot from an infected floppy disk, it will display the message "Your PC is now Stoned" which also gives the name to the virus, Stoned. The virus is only a few hundred bite, but because of its ability to reproduce itself and replicates Stoned become the most widespread virus in the world in his day.
At the beginning of the era of the emergence of viruses, only Stoned, Cascade and Jerusalem are dominating. Meanwhile, in Indonesia known Denzuko, known as the Den Zuk or Ohio (the name given by McAfee since the virus was first discovered in Ohio State University). An Italian programmer creating a virus called Ping Pong. As the name implies, this program displays the bouncing ball on the screen.
The virus is quite horrendous, but not had time to spread rapidly because of limitations that only runs on computers 8088 and 8086. Just like Brain, which can infect only 360 KB floppy disks. Other viruses are well known in the early emergence of the virus is Cascade, written by a German programmer. Cascade introduces a new technique, namely encryption complicates repair infected files. This technique also developed by Mark Washburn when writing polymorphic viruses (many forms to complicate identification by antivirus software) first, namely 1260 (Chameleon) or virus Chameleon.