Computers are a series or group of electronic machines consisting of thousands or even millions of components that fit together and form a working system that is neatly and accurately. This system can then be used to automatically carry out a series of jobs, based on sequence instruction or program given to him.
Existing definitions make sense that the computer has more than one part of working together, and parts of it could only work if there is electricity flowing in it. The term of the group of machines, or the terms of the millions of components then known as computer hardware or computer hardware.
Computer hardware can also be interpreted as the physical equipment of the computer itself. The equipment in the physical can be seen, held, or transferred. Hardware, is one element of a computer system, a tool that can be seen and touched by humans directly, which supports the process of computerization. In the Indonesian language is called the hardware. Is a tool that we can see and we can physically touch, such as the input device (input), processing device (intermediate), and the output device (output). This equipment is generally quite sophisticated. He can work on orders available to him, which is also called the instruction set. With the commands understood by the machine, then the command perform various activities to the machine that is understandable by the machine so that the machine can work based on the composition of orders obtained by it. In this case, the computer may not be able to work without the program that has been put into it. This program can be an operating procedure of the computer itself or various procedures in terms of data processing that was previously set. And programs is then referred to as computer software or computer software.
According to the standard term, software is software and after editing software has the meaning software; software; computer program. Does the term software is considered closely related to the following definition: A so-called software, is a collection of some of the commands executed by the engine computer in the work. This software is a record for the engine computer to save the command, as well as documents and other records.
Electronic data is stored in such a manner by the computer itself, the stored data can be a program or instruction to be executed by the command, and records required by the computer to run the executable command. To achieve these desires was designed an array of logic, the logic of which is composed processed through software, which is also called the program and data editorial. Processing in this software involves several things, including is system operations, programs, and data. The software is set up such that the existing logic can be understood by the engine computer. In the broadcast sense, the computer software can be interpreted as an operating procedure. An event broadcast by TVRI, can be considered as the software of a television equipment. Similarly, the music that has been recorded on tape, the data on paper, as well as stories is in a book. In principle, the computer is just a tool; Tools that can be used to assist people in completing the work.
Computers are a series or group of electronic machines consisting of thousands or even millions of components that fit together and form a working system that is neatly and accurately. This system can then be used to automatically carry out a series of jobs, based on sequence instruction or program given to him.
Existing definitions make sense that the computer has more than one part of working together, and parts of it could only work if there is electricity flowing in it. The term of the group of machines, or the terms of the millions of components then known as computer hardware or computer hardware.
Computer hardware can also be interpreted as the physical equipment of the computer itself. The equipment in the physical can be seen, held, or transferred. Hardware, is one element of a computer system, a tool that can be seen and touched by humans directly, which supports the process of computerization. In the Indonesian language is called the hardware. Is a tool that we can see and we can physically touch, such as the input device (input), processing device (intermediate), and the output device (output). This equipment is generally quite sophisticated. He can work on orders available to him, which is also called the instruction set. With the commands understood by the machine, then the command perform various activities to the machine that is understandable by the machine so that the machine can work based on the composition of orders obtained by it. In this case, the computer may not be able to work without the program that has been put into it. This program can be an operating procedure of the computer itself or various procedures in terms of data processing that was previously set. And programs is then referred to as computer software or computer software.
According to the standard term, software is software and after editing software has the meaning software; software; computer program. Does the term software is considered closely related to the following definition: A so-called software, is a collection of some of the commands executed by the engine computer in the work. This software is a record for the engine computer to save the command, as well as documents and other records.
Electronic data is stored in such a manner by the computer itself, the stored data can be a program or instruction to be executed by the command, and records required by the computer to run the executable command. To achieve these desires was designed an array of logic, the logic of which is composed processed through software, which is also called the program and data editorial. Processing in this software involves several things, including is system operations, programs, and data. The software is set up such that the existing logic can be understood by the engine computer. In the broadcast sense, the computer software can be interpreted as an operating procedure. An event broadcast by TVRI, can be considered as the software of a television equipment. Similarly, the music that has been recorded on tape, the data on paper, as well as stories is in a book. In principle, the computer is just a tool; Tools that can be used to assist people in completing the work.
Hardware in the form of physical equipment of a computer system, the equipment consists of three types, namely: 1. Input device (input device) input device is used to enter data, either text, photographs, and images into computer. Example input devices such as keyboards, mouse, light-pen, scanner and sebagainya.2. the output device (output device) the output device used to collect and produce data released, such as monitors and printer.3. Data processing devices (Processor) device data processor is used to process the data data.Pengolah includes a central processing unit (CPU / Central Processing Unit) as well as micro-processors. Various hardware (hardware):
1. CPU (Central Processing Unit) Is a tool that serves as a data processor. The CPU contains a series circuit that stores instructions and data storage processing.
2. Monitor Is a tool that can display text or image of the data being processed in the CPU.
3. Keyboard The keyboard is a tool to enter data or commands to the CPU, usually consisting of a series of letters, numbers, and other function keys.
4. Mouse is a tool to give commands to process data or edit data.
5. Printer The printer is a device that produces data (output) print, in the form of text and pictures / graphics.
6. CD ROM Additional tools (tool peripherals) that is capable of storing and write data and programs through media CD (Compact Disk). The tool is designed to be able to write and read data or program through the optical system.
7. Compact Disk (CD) Storage medium made of plastic material.The process of storing and reading data using the optical system.
8. Floppy Disk Floppy disk is an additional tool to save or write to the disk or vice versa, a commonly used measure is the size of 3.5 inches.
9. Harddisk Hard drive is an additional tool to store data in a large capacity magnetically coated, the current development of very fast hard drive of capacity and speed of reading data. You need to know at this time are absolutely no hard drive in any computer or laptop as a permanent storage operating system.
10. Scanner is a tool to enter data such as images or graphics, and convert it into digital form so that it can be processed and merged with the form data in the form of text.
Software tools or software is a computer program which is an instruction to be given to the processing unit so that the computer can carry out the work in the manner intended. The program is written in a special language that is understandable by machines. The software in use can be classified into five types, ie:
1. The operating system (Operating system)
2. Utility Program (Program utilities)
3. Program Application (Application Program)
4. The program package (Package Program)
5. Programming Language (Programming Language)
Some of the companies that joined to form the world standards and techniques for micro computers known ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) and EISA (Enhanched Industry Standard Architecture), among others:1. COMPAQ Computer
2. Advanced Logic Research (ALR)
3. AST Research
4. EPSON America
5. Everex Systems
6. Hewlett Packard
7. Olivetti
8. Micronics
9. Nippon Electric Corporation (NEC)
10. Tandy Computers
11. WYSE Tevhnology
12. Zenith Corporation
There are several types of software, among others:
1. Software systemThe software system is divided into 3 parts:a. Operating system Device operating system is an important part in the running of a computer device. The operating system is a software bridge between the user and the hardware. There are several types of operating systems including Windows, DOS, Linux, and others. Now a days for many PC type computers using Windows operating systemsb. Help program (utility) Is a program that works to help the operating system as described above, such as: anti-virus, defragmenter, format a floppy disk, periksasistem, and so forth.c. Programming language Is a useful application to convert calculations mathematically be an example aplikasi. As BASIC programming languages, COBOL. C ++ and so on.
2. The application softwareIs a device that functions to perform various forms of office tasks such as word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, web pages processing, up to the media player, and so on. It has been growing since the operating system was developed.Software applications can be grouped into several sections, namely:a. Word processing (Word Processor) Serves to do word processing, the work associated with the script and a wide range of administrative correspondence. Example: WordStar, Microsoft Word, AmiPro, Word Perfect.b. Figures processor (Spread Sheet)Function to do the work which are associated with numbers, such as the use of calculations, financial reports, and charts. Example: Lotus 123, Quatro Pro, Microsoft Excel, Symphony, Super Calc.c. Data processing (data base) Data. Data processing functions to perform can be a number, word or combination of numbers and words. Example: dBase, Fox Base, Fox Pro, Clipper, Microsoft Access, Visual FoxPro, Paradox, and others.d. Multimedia Examples of multimedia applications is Winamp, Audio Pro to play music format MP3 or CD Audio. Then Real Player, Xing, or Jet Audio can be used to watch movies or VCD.
2. Monitor Is a tool that can display text or image of the data being processed in the CPU.
3. Keyboard The keyboard is a tool to enter data or commands to the CPU, usually consisting of a series of letters, numbers, and other function keys.
4. Mouse is a tool to give commands to process data or edit data.
5. Printer The printer is a device that produces data (output) print, in the form of text and pictures / graphics.
6. CD ROM Additional tools (tool peripherals) that is capable of storing and write data and programs through media CD (Compact Disk). The tool is designed to be able to write and read data or program through the optical system.
7. Compact Disk (CD) Storage medium made of plastic material.The process of storing and reading data using the optical system.
8. Floppy Disk Floppy disk is an additional tool to save or write to the disk or vice versa, a commonly used measure is the size of 3.5 inches.
9. Harddisk Hard drive is an additional tool to store data in a large capacity magnetically coated, the current development of very fast hard drive of capacity and speed of reading data. You need to know at this time are absolutely no hard drive in any computer or laptop as a permanent storage operating system.
10. Scanner is a tool to enter data such as images or graphics, and convert it into digital form so that it can be processed and merged with the form data in the form of text.
Software tools or software is a computer program which is an instruction to be given to the processing unit so that the computer can carry out the work in the manner intended. The program is written in a special language that is understandable by machines. The software in use can be classified into five types, ie:
1. The operating system (Operating system)
2. Utility Program (Program utilities)
3. Program Application (Application Program)
4. The program package (Package Program)
5. Programming Language (Programming Language)
Some of the companies that joined to form the world standards and techniques for micro computers known ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) and EISA (Enhanched Industry Standard Architecture), among others:1. COMPAQ Computer
2. Advanced Logic Research (ALR)
3. AST Research
4. EPSON America
5. Everex Systems
6. Hewlett Packard
7. Olivetti
8. Micronics
9. Nippon Electric Corporation (NEC)
10. Tandy Computers
11. WYSE Tevhnology
12. Zenith Corporation
There are several types of software, among others:
1. Software systemThe software system is divided into 3 parts:a. Operating system Device operating system is an important part in the running of a computer device. The operating system is a software bridge between the user and the hardware. There are several types of operating systems including Windows, DOS, Linux, and others. Now a days for many PC type computers using Windows operating systemsb. Help program (utility) Is a program that works to help the operating system as described above, such as: anti-virus, defragmenter, format a floppy disk, periksasistem, and so forth.c. Programming language Is a useful application to convert calculations mathematically be an example aplikasi. As BASIC programming languages, COBOL. C ++ and so on.
2. The application softwareIs a device that functions to perform various forms of office tasks such as word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, web pages processing, up to the media player, and so on. It has been growing since the operating system was developed.Software applications can be grouped into several sections, namely:a. Word processing (Word Processor) Serves to do word processing, the work associated with the script and a wide range of administrative correspondence. Example: WordStar, Microsoft Word, AmiPro, Word Perfect.b. Figures processor (Spread Sheet)Function to do the work which are associated with numbers, such as the use of calculations, financial reports, and charts. Example: Lotus 123, Quatro Pro, Microsoft Excel, Symphony, Super Calc.c. Data processing (data base) Data. Data processing functions to perform can be a number, word or combination of numbers and words. Example: dBase, Fox Base, Fox Pro, Clipper, Microsoft Access, Visual FoxPro, Paradox, and others.d. Multimedia Examples of multimedia applications is Winamp, Audio Pro to play music format MP3 or CD Audio. Then Real Player, Xing, or Jet Audio can be used to watch movies or VCD.
e. Communications and Internet To perform inter-computer communications between two computers or more, for example, is Lap Link, PC Anywhere, Procom Plus. Internet applications are commonly used for browsing, e-mail, chat and
messenger such as: Internet Explorer, Opera, MIRC, ICQ, and others.f. Education and Games Software to help understand something many lessons packaged in a game
in order not boring, for example, is: PC Globe, Bodyworks, Science
Adventure, Reader Rabbit, and others.g. Design Image Applications
that are special in them to help job Engineer such as AutoCAD (image
structure), Protel (images of electronic circuits), Matlab (processing
and visualization of mathematical equations), Photos Shop (image
processing), and Flash (to create a WEB page), and more.h. Anti virus Software
to eradicate the virus from computer storage devices, for example:
McAfee, Norton Anti Virus, Panda, atc.Virus is software made to
corrupt data or computer programs, for example, is: PC Brain, Hackers,
My Heart, Pepsin, Bagle, MyDoom and others.
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